Tuesday, November 29, 2011

Cultural Overview - Japan

As a Canadian traveling abroad to a country like Japan, I was met with many new experiences and and things that caught me way off guard. Being an International Business student, I went abroad thinking the stuff that I learnt in the classroom would be enough to prepare me for my travels. How wrong I was.
There were so many aspects of the Japanese cultures that I was unaware of when I arrived in Nagoya, Japan. I found myself living in a country that I didn't understand and that didn't understand me. Hopefully through the use of this blog I have accurately displayed what might be expected if you too find yourself standing in the middle of Tokyo saying to yourself, "What have I gotten myself into!?!?"

To learn more, please visit the blog I created while in Japan that tracked my experiences abroad. This should provide additional insight into the Japanese Culture. 

Enjoy =)