Deal With Japanese Bureaucracy

The immense bureaucratic procedures that Japan has are something that cannot be avoided regardless of what you plan to do in Japan. For me, it started with the school system and expanded to the bank system and visa application process.
Starting with my first day of school, I was overwhelmed with all the lengthy procedures I had to go through in order to just be a student. I started by applying for my alien registration card. These involved making several trips by bus to the remote immigration burrow and then wait for hours to be dealt with. There was no exception if a piece of your identification wasn’t exactly what was required. I was thankful enough to have a friend whose Japanese was very good to speak with the people, because I’m sure if I had to reply on just my ability to communicate I would probably still be trying to get my identification.
We made a line to nowhere and Japanese people started to line up behind us!
I know now that when trying to deal with anything procedural in Japan, I must ensure that I have all the correct documents, a fluent friend to speak for me and about half a day to sit and wait to be helped